Table of Contents

Notes to be organized to Wiki Pages later

Common Commands, nagivating the file system

Important Places

ls long output

Files preceeded by a . are hidden/config files and won't show unless -a flag is used in ls cmd.

ls readout: perms, ?, user, group, file, last touched, name.

first perm bit 'd' means it's a dir.

Regular Expressions

Any Single Character

A dot will match any single char except newlines: a.z will match abz aQz a9Z and etc.

Repetition Operators

A regex may be followed by a special symbol to denote how many times a matching item must exist.

Multiple Possible Strings:

Vertical Bar (|) separates two possible matches:


Surrounds subexpressions (no example in chapter 1)


If you want to match special chars like a dot (.) you must escape it with a backslask: \. (Not unlike bash and python)


Searches for patterns: grep [options] regexp [files]



sed 's/2012/2013/' file.txt > new.txt # Change first occurrence of 2012 to 2013 and redirect output to new.txt

File Permissions


Can change default permissions with umask.


numeric or symbolic modes.

Set user to group


: or . works as seperator


Scheduled task system. Stateless, doesn't remember previous jobs.

Sample Syntax:


# For details see man 4 crontabs

# Example of job definition:
# .---------------- minute (0 - 59)
# |  .------------- hour (0 - 23)
# |  |  .---------- day of month (1 - 31)
# |  |  |  .------- month (1 - 12) OR jan,feb,mar,apr ...
# |  |  |  |  .---- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0 or 7) OR sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
# |  |  |  |  |
# *  *  *  *  * user-name  command to be executed
*/2 1 1,15 * * root echo "Hello world!" > /tmp/hello.txt # 1st and 15th day of month

# /2 = every 2
# 1,15 = 1st and 15th
# 1-5 = 1st through 5th

Otherwise, symlinking scripts/programs to cron.daily,monthly, weekly, hourly, etc folders will work.

user cron

crontab -e to edit user cron, independent from system cron.

Package Management





uses apt-get / dpkg


Config file located in /etc/apt. sources.list important. sources.list.d folder contains official repos.


top stuff.

Managing Shared Libraries

Code/functions compiled into files called libraries that other programs/code can call on, reducing code and disk space by not having 50 variations of code that do the same thing.

Managing Processes

Managing Hardware


Enumerates hardware before OS is loaded. Drivers will determine how hardware acts in Linux OS. May need to drownload drivers from manufacturers for optimal performance.


drivers loaded in /sys/bus/pci/drivers.


If problems present, check bios. Check drivers! Check lsmod, lspci, lsusb. use modprobe to load modules. Check with the vendor.

REDIRECT VIDEO TO SERIAL! - Real World examples

Not on exam, but steps demo underlying system that are on exam.

serial --unit 1 --speed=9600
terminal --timeout 300 console serial

LVM - Logical Volume Manager

Logicall manages volumes/partitions, create and resize across multiple disks.

Configure LVM

Filesystem Health


Mounts devs on boot.

device      mount     FS     Options -   Dump   - Pass(fschk)
/dev/sda1    /        ext4    defaults    0|1     0|1|2

device = device
mount = mount location
FS = filesystem to expect
Options = boot options (defaults is a combo of options). Like, rw, ro, sync, async, etc.
Dump = old unix backup system. If dump not installed or used, it means nothing. 0 no bkup, 1 = bkup.
Pass = FSCHK, 0 no check, 1 check (high pri), 2 check (2ndary pri)

add label to device/part

File Management Commands 1 & 2

System D

An alternative init system – (usual is upstart, sysV) Breaks up config files.

Is a program, running all the time. SysV = script, one line/procedural at a time. hangup on one line can cause delays. SystemD, one hung up module won't block all others.

SystemD on boot looks for UNITS and TARGETS.

Xorg Configuration

Find and Locate

Both used to search for files. locate uses a database of information to search and is updated via a syscron or manual updatedb. find will search the disk in specified locations for files and objects.

VIM / VI Text Editor

Light, installed on most machines.

sed Stream Editor

Can move all space to dots, slashes to spaces, etc etc, powerful stuff. RESUME ME, LINUX ACAD VIDEO @4:30m - LEcture, sed Stream Editor!